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West Bromwich Harriers

by West Bromwich Harriers Running Club

About our activities / service

Accessibility details Fully accessible.
Opening hours Wednesdays evening 6.45 pm to 8 pm

Opening days

Morning Afternoon Evening
Monday - - -
Tuesday - - -
Wednesday - -
Thursday - - -
Friday - - -
Saturday - - -
Sunday - - -

Running, Interval training. Warm up - group run between 1 mile and 1.5 mile to the location of the main session. Main session - the focus on Wednesday nights is speed work - this type of training will help you achieve your running goals by boosting your Cardio fitness levels. Sessions are tailored to your ability. Cool down -  group jog back to the club house.

Staff qualifications Staff qualified to deliver the service offered. DBS Checked
Genders All
Age focus 16 year olds, 17 year olds, 18 year olds, 19-25 year olds, 26-65 year olds, 65+ year olds

About the organisation

West Bromwich Harriers is a small but growing inclusive running club for adult men and women, aged 18-80+, and welcomes new runners regardless of their experience or ability. We offer training programmes for beginners, such as Couch to 5k, and opportunities for members to run competitively in cross country leagues and other running events. The club meets once a week, all year round, for training: Wednesday’s 6.45-8pm at Dartmouth Central Club, Devonshire Drive, West Bromwich. The first 4 weeks are free of charge for beginners and all sessions are designed to be inclusive for all abilities and led by UK Athletics qualified leaders. The club supports local Parkruns with members running or volunteering regularly.

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